Student of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture (2nd Year) {Male} offering MOBILE massage treatment. (I treat patients in the comfort of their home within a 15km radius in Calgary, extra fuel charge for outlying districts/city limits).
Massage based on the Qi/Energy Meridians of the body. Treats and relieves Anxiety, Stress, Headache and Body Pain (Fibromyalgia), Depression, Hypertension, Light Injury, etc.
$45/treatment (involving short diagnosis, Chinese massage (Tui Na), Gua Sha, QiGong). Please note that I cannot bill insurance as I am still a student.
Please contact me via email.
Monday 2pm -9pm Tuesday 6pm - 9pm Wednesday 6pm -9pm Thursday 1pm -4pm Saturday 9am- 11am
Due to my school schedule my hours and bookings are limited.