Do you prefer a male or female RMT? Male CME, SE/Mobile
It’s often the first decision you must make before booking a massage. “Do you prefer a male or female massage therapist?” For men and women, the question brings up safety concerns or self-consciousness which leads to anxiety. These are all valid concerns. After all, you’re completely naked under partially draped areas of your body and a stranger is rubbing oil all over your body. It’s an unusual level of intimacy even with a non-stranger, and can be stressful.
Gender-based statistics on choosing a male or female massage therapist are revealed, along with the many multiplicities of considerations facing those seeking massage therapy, that are influenced by gender, culture, religion, past experiences, and personal biases.
There is no right or wrong choice. It's entirely an individual one, and up to you...

BODYMINDSPIRIT STUDIO provides holistic techniques, technologies and methods for living in optimal health and harmony with your body, mind and spirit. <meta name=