Hawaii health spa, 3110 kingston rd. Unit 7, Scarborough , ON m1m 1p2   Tel: 4162618088

Hawaii health spa, 3110 kingston rd. Unit 7, Scarborough , ON m1m 1p2 Tel: 4162618088

Hawaii health spa
#7-3110 kingston rd. Scarborough, ON m1m 1p2
Tel: 4162618088
Host: Eva & linda
It was long weekend, big snowing, me ,Cindy and Roy,( Roy is the one who got frostbite in the year of 2022, you can search "frostbite" find the story i wrote), we closed store, played tobogganing.
There is a big hill close Broadview Ave. there were lots of young people and kids playing there, I told my friends Roy:" Maybe you are the oldest man and I am the oldest woman here" , anyway age is just a number, we threw snow balls, pushing , draginh, laughing ...
we were as happy as young guys , feeling like returning to childhood, haven't have this kind of joy for a while.
When i rode on tobogan went down to the hill, rolling over and rolling over and faced down onto snow, my face was full of snow sticky on, felt like my face was freezing, I told them:" go go ,let's go home, too clod here" but when we climbed up to the top of hill with out of breathing, we couldn't refuse the feeling of sliding down again and again ...
We we went back to our car, I moved away my snow sticky pants right away, left my long underwear on, i told them did the same, but they didn't care, Roy and Cindy still wore their snow sticky pants back home, when we back to spa, i asked how their pants, they said that they almost dry their pants with their body temperature! Cause we were stucked on the road back for a while, with wet pants on, it was not comfortable , so smart me! give myself a thumb up .

Eva and me work today, when Eva arrived this morning, i told her what we did , she looks very happy jumpling jumpling , looks like she want to particular eagerly, she did a lot of sports, such as: diving, skating , skaking, golf... only no experience playing snow and this is the first year she come to Canada and first time she saw big snow like this, she suggests me to close spa go play again, hahahaha...
We love snowing.
Linda lovely
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