We are renting office spaces for Aesthetician, Eyelash Extension Tech, Massage Therapist, Naturopaths, Acupuncturist, Osteopath ( We don't share your Profit) Only the office rent ($600/month+ HST).
We currently have One office for rent at 3660 Commission street, North end Halifax, a hub in the middle of the city 5 minutes from Bedford highway, 5 min. from The Bridge to Dartmouth and 5 min. from Robie St. plus 12 parking spots. making it an ideal location.
Our location is 2000 square feet and the spaces for rent are 100-120 square feet.
We believe in cross-referral to optimize our clients’ health with our established Registered Massage therapist, Registered Makeup artist, Clinical aesthetician, skincare and Laser Clients.
Our clinic has a positive reputation and has been operating for over 4 years, Top choice award winner 2019, 2018, 2017 & 2016.
The spaces can be rented on a short-term or long-term basis, ($600/month+ HST ).
The room rental includes: Wifi Internet Heat and electricity Promotion at trade shows and events. If you are interested in renting a space,
Please contact Dr. Amr Fathy at 902-488-7764 Email: amr@bloomlaserclinic.com
www.bloomlaserclinic.com 3660 Commission Street Halifax, Nova Scotia B3K 0A5