This probably doesn't apply in all sex workers' situation however, when I read these kind of threads, kinda makes me sad. Here some of us are making disparaging remarks of a person. We don't know the circumstances surrounding her life, the challenges she faces, her options, and the need to be "popular" at what she is doing for "work" in order to be successful and provide in an incredibly competitive job... perhaps she is doing it all for her kids ? Maybe for an invalid family member's care ?
We are in the same glass house if we choose to avail ourselves for pleasure of a woman going to extreme limits to prevail in the sex trade. I know personally some MPA's that would give anything to be able to work at a "normal" job that would provide enough to live. They are often very poorly educated, ESL is at a level below requirements for any job other than dishwasher or McDonalds line cook. Some of these girls go to night school to try to better their English language, others work two or three extra part time jobs to present a legitimate face to friends and family. In short lads, it isn't always easy on their heart or their head.
They do read these forums I'm sure and can only imagine the anguish and demoralised state they must face a day with if this post is the case.