As promised, I went there this afternoon and got a massage from Judy. As stated above, this place is nothing to write home about. Judy is petite, short dark hair with small B cups. She doesn't speak french and her english is passable enough to do small talk. But she likes to laugh thow. Paid $60.00/hour. (Witch is $10.00 more than other regular places if I'm not mistaken).
Asked me if I wanted soft or hard massage. She said that she prefered to give soft massages. So I went with that. It was ok,but no teasing at all.After about 45 minutes of that, asked me turn around. I didn't bother to ask her about options. Started the HJ very slowly while I was rubbing her Y over her bloody jeans. She liked that alot because the more I was doing it, the faster she was stroking me. She even started to moan at one point. It wasn't the best of release, but it was OK. She then looked at me with a big smile and said that I had very good hands... Gave her a $20.00 tip.
I might repeat at that place, but with somebody else.....