You're right. I just looked up his other posts and in his very first post he made a reference to Leykus 101. This makes 3 out of his 12 posts on this topic. It seems like a weird preoccupation to me but to each their own. Maybe he's been burned before on Ch*ld support.
The article he cited estimated that 15% or 3M guys in the US were paying Ch*ld support on K*ds where they really AREN'T the fathers. ASSUMING those figures were even true, presumably most of those payments were being made to women with whom they at least had been in some sort of medium to long term relationship and thus had some reason to believe they were the fathers. It is hard to see what they would have to do with getting involved with Ch*ld support with someone with whom you had only slept with as little as only once and then only with some form of protection (ie having little reason to believe you're the father), but in which case you actually ARE the father.
As to the sort of scenario, he actually is referring to where a women impregnates herself in some underhanded manner for purposes of getting Ch*ld support or any other reason, the article offers no estimate as to how often that actually happens. To the extent it does happen, it seems far more likely that it is done by women to guys with whom they are already in some sort of relationship, perhaps to get them to "commit", then it would be to some stranger they had just met, do not know with any certainty what their real name is and who is likely to leave the country, usually never to return, before they would even have any evidence they had succeeded in getting knocked up.
In the former case, if you felt you had some reasonable grounds to fear your girlfriend would try something like that it might make sense to use the "Tabasco Method". It seems to me it would make far more sense to get out of that relationship pronto. As for the latter case of a chica looking to get some dinero out of a rich and gullible gringo, it may occasionally happen. It is FAR more likely and common that a chica will try to scam their gringo novios for dinero without the added inconvenience and complication of getting another bambino. First of all, what happens if the gringo somehow slips away? Then they're stuck with the expense of supporting that Ch*ld without the gringo's help. Wouldn't it be far easier to make up a story to get money, such as telling them they're pregnant when they really aren't, and getting the money without actually having the expense it was intended for? The bottom line is the same if you feel you really have to worry about things like a girl going to such deceptive lengths, you shouldn't be involved with her in anyway to begin and all the tabasco in the world won't change that simple fact.