"achy and sore all over for 10 days"
hi pueppi,
it's an interesting point to make about masks. one client told me it's fine to come in with a cold, as the MT can just wear a mask! i think we do have to gauge ourselves and what works for us. i personally for some reason find masks extremely uncomfortable, which makes me feel less focused (this seems crazy to me, of course, since uh, heart surgeons somehow manage), but in my experience it's rare that people want to get a massage with a cold or flu so this has rarely been an issue.
in retrospect, not knowing what it was, it makes sense, in my mind, to avoid working on her---who knew what she was bringing into the massage room? what i had to tamp down was that overwhelming desire to be of some assistance---she sounded desperate. sadly, i now know why: the client had been misdiagnosed twice before she ended up in the ER. her intuition must have been telling her something was really wrong, but since no one was getting it right, she was probably thinking, when all else fails, try a massage!
!best wishes to you and your clients!