Hi, I think there are different kinds of acupuncture to be experienced, Chinese (TCM) acupunctute is a fairly modern adaptation springing primarily from Maoist China and as Mao was not too spiritual himself he influenced the removal of much of what could be called the spiritual part. Outside of China, classical forms of acupuncture still flourish, in the UK you can find stems and branches which takes into account the time of someones birth as part of the diagnostic framework and five element acupuncture which works on finding a persons constitutional type and treating them accordingly, there are also various Japanese and Korean Systems.
One principle of classical acupuncture is that there is heaven and there is earth, between the two is the space in-between, called the Ling Zhi. This is where we live, (in the mundane) we have the potential to move either way but our health is determined by how we live in this space and how we maintain a connection between the two.
Best wishes, Tony