Be aware that although you may think this online reservation thing may be detrimental to the "first come first served" tradition, you must realize that making appointments ahead of time BY PHONE has been in effect at ZB for a long time now and very few, if any, people ever even noticed it as an inconvenience for getting who/what they wanted.
I think this is a great idea and I hope they implement it, simply to continue to be above and beyond the rest of the MP's in terms of quality, but I think that its use among many will be minimal... for the very reasons many people don't really find the need for Escort Services in CR, who wants to be tied down to a specific honey-bunny without first shopping around at the ZB and seeing what else is available? Unless you live in CR or come VERY frequently, the natural attrition/turn over rate in these places is HIGH, and even I, who visits CR once a month, am impressed on every visit with the new faces and opportunities I saw there... Unless you have an absolute favorite whom you KNOW you'll not want to deviate from, it will always be best to go personally and make a choice from the crowd. And even then... I had an all-time favorite there, but I still chose others all the time and when I did go with the fav, I tried adding a new person into the session to change it up a little... once again, choosing on-site I think will be the preferred method, as it is now, in spite of being able to make reservations via phone.
Nontheless, I think this is a fantastic idea... Once again, it's simply Zona Blue going the extra mile to provide excellent service.
Kudos, Eddie.