Just looking for some direction actually. I am planning to visit the city in the next couple days, likely wed-thurs. I have been surfing various sites and pages trying to absorb as much info as possible. I get the impression that alot of the sites don't have pictures of the girls that actually work at these places as well.
Can anyone give me some solid advice as to where to go or who to ask for? I typically would like to drop no more than $200. I am not sure what that might provide, but the more the better. I have only been once, about a year ago.. so i am still a newbee. Any help would be appreciated. If there are any details of extra's etc.. pls email me at ptbo@hotmail.com
Can anyone give me some solid advice as to where to go or who to ask for? I typically would like to drop no more than $200. I am not sure what that might provide, but the more the better. I have only been once, about a year ago.. so i am still a newbee. Any help would be appreciated. If there are any details of extra's etc.. pls email me at ptbo@hotmail.com