Was out today just browsing and decided to hit Allure. All of the ladies presented themselves and chose to see Alex. She looks much better in person than her pictures and I havent seen a review on her here so here goes.
She first came in and was very friendly, asked the usual questions and I chose. On with the massage excellent hands, a nice hard massage and very attentive to your sore spots. When it came to the reverse portion she was very responsive to various areas on her body and made for a fun session. The finish was also good.
Sorry this doesnt follow any format, its a first.
Looks 8
Massage 8
Finish 7
Repeat Yes
She first came in and was very friendly, asked the usual questions and I chose. On with the massage excellent hands, a nice hard massage and very attentive to your sore spots. When it came to the reverse portion she was very responsive to various areas on her body and made for a fun session. The finish was also good.
Sorry this doesnt follow any format, its a first.
Looks 8
Massage 8
Finish 7
Repeat Yes