sbwcbrad74 - With all due respect, you are wrong on this. Stressed out? When I count ten (10) known (published) homicides occurring in less than one week, I think it is cause for concern and also just cause for a warning to potential tourists who intend to come here to have a good time. No different than the past 5 years? Only the drug dealers and people in local government involved in power struggles should be holding their blankets?
3/24/05: NUEVO LAREDO, Mexico – In less than six hours, this raucous border town saw the execution of a convict, a prison riot, the deadly ambush of a Mexican police officer, and a fiery shootout that ended just yards from the U.S. border and sent bystanders scrambling for cover behind telephone poles and concrete walls. By the time it was over, two people were dead and seven injured, Mexican authorities said. "It's not every day that you face enemy fire from the other side of the border," said Laredo police Officer Octaviano "Tony" Rodrيguez, clutching a .45-caliber pistol after a gunbattle erupted near Laredo's International Bridge No. 1.
Laredo and NL are about the same size. The Mexican side population is impossible to confirm as there is no official census. We just had a month's worth of homicides (based on the year to date total of approx. 63) in less than a week. Laredo stood at 13 for the year last time I checked. If you wish to compare to US cities, the NL count is still high.
The police chief who was killed after 9 hours on the job this week gave up his post as a highly respected local businessman to take that position. I am sure the 7 year old daughter who thought she was on her way to school last week will remember the horror of watching her father, a police commander, gunned down in a hailstorm of bullets that morning. Fortunately, she had went back into the house as she had forgotten her school bag or she might no longer be with us. The 3 guys at the neighborhood hotdog stand last week? (2 dead, 1 still in the hospital.) I do not think the hotdog vendor was selling drugs.
Shortly after midnight one day this week I heard rapid-fire gunshots. That's nothing unusual and it never bothers me. This was different, as the sound was too close, followed by scretching tires and then a woman's desperate screams for help. I first saw the woman laying in the street. She had visible bullet wounds and had been run over by the vehicle as it speed away at high speed. The male had multiple wounds and was already dead. I do not know their personal business, but I do know they were coming home from buying tacos. And you know what? After seeing the pain in their faces, I got stressed out. BTW, this is a family neighborhood with 2 schools on the block.
everyone else - Soldiers all over is good. They shoot at the bad guys. Fox sent in 700 federal troups the end of March. In recent years, they would send in the army for the weekend after major problems. You will see them standing on street corners downtown and in residential neighborhoods. This is also good. It's funny, as I have watched the police go from VW Beetles to Nissans and now to new Chevy pickups and Crown Victorias. Most nights you will now see guns mounted in the back of the police pickups.
FYI, the neighborhood around Boystown is bad and there are a lot of drug dealers. So, do travel only on the main streets when coming and going. The bars were "dead" tonight. I have not been to BT lately, but everyone seems to say the crowds and chica count is quite low.
Getting back to my original post, I suggested taking a wait and see look for a few weeks. I think things may get worse in the short term future. I hope I am wrong. When you do make the trip, plan intelligently and watch your back.