My comments may come accross as being partial towards Bar Idem and perhaps there is some truth in that. However, I have never had a bad or shortened session in the numerous times I have visited Bar Idem in the past year and a half.
My best advice to you is to visit Bar Idem one more time, select a girl and partake in a session with her. And if you experience a session that is once gain rather unsatisfactory or just not to your liking, do yourself and everyone else a very big favor!!!!
Tell Roberto, the dark haired gentleman who sits at the end of the bar, about your experience with the chica and let him know what was good and/or bad about it. I promise you that he will take care of the issue before the night is over.
While Don Roberto is very fair, considerate, and compasionate with all of the chicas that come to work for him at Bar Idem, he is also pretty strict and consistently firm about their appearance, hygiene, punctuality, and most of all, job performance. I have sat and chatted with him many, many times and I have seen and listened to the way he treats and counsels the girls there. It's a business and he wants to keep it that way.
Oh, and one more thing... as Zebra allured to, unlike ZB where the girls are not allowed to "work" durign the off time, Don Roberto adheres to his just belief that the girl's time off is their time and it's their business what they do with it. However, he will naturally prefer that the prospective clients come and visit and make use of his establishment.
I, for one, have had the pleasure of spending a few TLNs with a couple of Bar Idem chicas after closing time. But I also make sure to visit during business hours and spend some of my money there as well. There has been times when my flight arrived late at night and after a quick shower at the hotel I ran down to have a session before closing time and then when done, had my favorite chica there come spend the night with me for some more fun.
Again... let Don Roberto know why you were not happy with the session. He will appreciate it and will surely counsel the girl accordingly.
Good luck and have fun!