best girls at MP
Simple answer: YMWV--YOUR MILAGE WILL VARY No 2 guys like the same things, no chica treats EVERY customer the same; what I wanted in a session yesterday, I may not want today; these chicas move around like flys on a cow; etc! etc!!!!
Yes there are chicas that are more popular, but that just does not mean YOU would like her/them!!! It is all very subjective!!
All that said below is a few of the more popular chicas! Please keep in mind that this is just what I have experienced and have heard from fellow mongers about chicas. Anyone else feel free to add to the list!
Karen ------- HLH (is not the Karen of old in looks [few extra lbs] but still as good as they get in the bed)
Pamela ----- HLH
Lauren------- HLH
Samantha ----HLH
Jenny --------Relax (probably the most popular chica for the past 2 years)
Alicia ---------Relax
Sharon -------Relax
Carolina ------Relax
Alisson -------Relax (Carolina's 'Lil Sis' and, Yes, she is back!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Rocio --------Relax
Michelle ------Relax
Fabiola -------Relax (another that has gained a few lbs. but still a great session)
Fabiola -------SAN
Janette-------La Mansion (great massaje with a very happy ending)
Jimena--------La Mansion ( if you can find her there)
This is just a short list of the better (more popular) chicas at 5 of the nearly to 100 MPs here.There are several others that I am sure I am not thinking of right now! Almost every MP has at least one "diamond in the rough"!