It has been so hard finding a good regular go to lady in the west end. I’m starting to think it won’t happen.
Decided to try Breeze and see what they had to offer. The lobby was fine, inviting. The lady that treated me seemed nice enough probably 50’ish, long hair with red highlights.
I generally like to ensure I am presentable before going into the room and asked to use the washroom. Little did I know the only bathroom is deep in the back and a shared facility with the staff. This wasn’t as much an issue as it was clean and usable, it was just the maze like wandering through the facility to get to it.
Red’s massage started with her greasing me up like a stuffed pig. She basically layer the oil on me. Even if she tried to give any pressure, the amount of oil would have made it impossible. I’d say the medium-deep pressure I asked for was basically a relaxing massage. No real skill was evident either.
Conversation was light, my style, but was able to find out that they really don’t get a lot of business. Generally it is quite slow since Covid.
The flip gave way to the cursory Q&A that lead to an agreed renumeration for extra services rendered. However I was surprised how deep the offering was for a first visit. I’d like to think it was my smooth demeanour and insanely handsome figure!?! Though more likely it is the lack of customers these days.
If Red had put as much effort into the massage as she did the extras, I would consider this an option for return. The offering was sloppy and explosive.
I was offered to use the in-toom shower to clean up, appreciatively.
Once complete we head to the lobby once again and I inquire on a receipt. Something I would expect would be a common request and although I don’t tend to ask from semi-legit places, money is tighter these days and like many would prefer to use the benefits we have.
Well she couldn’t find the stamp and basically offered to give it to me next time. I asked for it to be emailed later, assuming at least the owner or actual RMT could oblige. Obviously Red was not an RMT though that wasn’t the first clue, said she didn’t know how to do that?!?
She gave me her name but I could tell she made it up on the spot and is a standard fake Asian masseuse name.
All in all Breeze was a bust. I may try again and ask specifically for Jennifer, but they really need to step things up if they want the post Covid clientele back.