There are many movies out there with 2 actors that dont have any chemistry what soooo over, and the movie ends up sucking cause of that.
So i dont agree that its all acting for us. Chemistry is either there or it isnt, You cant fake it. Just like you cant fake friendships or getting along with other people.
And Girls will work an extra day cause she is in high demand. I am a masseuse and i know many salon owners.
And girls work more hours, just like YOU WORK more hours at your Job.
but what i must say it is sad that duetoday and roger10-4 have such low opinions of MP, SP, even women in general.
I worked at 3 salons, 2 independent parlours and i have never met one girl that is on welfare or act the way you suggested Roger.
Every mp I have met and worked with are hard working ,intelligent, talented and bright women.
They are putting themselves thru school, or paying off their student loans, taking care of their children, or parents. In short they are amazing.
And if you are yet to find an mp you get along with maybe you need to readjust your attitude to them, and then they will treat you better and you will have chemistry, or as you call it ACT nicer to you.
There might be a shortage of good mps out there, but there is still ALOT of great ones out there. You just have to find that one or 5 if you wish

that you mesh, have chemistry with and offers the things you want.
Places like eau claire, kama,spa isis, Luna, malezia, maison massage, loft secret and many others have amazing wonderfull women working there and I am truly sick of men like you two judging them and putting these uneducated, retarded and misguided labels.
And I dont know any girl who is complaining about business being down, so not really sure who you are talking to to get your information.