Hi Everyone,
Can you please help me with finding the name of a discontinued product from BBW?
In 2004 I bought a massage oil from Bath and Body Works from their Aromatherapy Sensuality line (the red bottles). I loved it. My boyfriend and I were a newer couple then and used this together. With this scent we created many scent memories. We are still together and here six years later, he still talks about this scent every once in a while and I wish I could find it for him. I know it is discontinued now so I have been looking on eBay and Amazon, both of which carry many discontinued products. There are about five from the Sensuality line that I found that may be it, but I can't really afford to buy all of the ones it could be.
The only thing I can remember is that it had some kind of lore written on the bottle, something about how flower petals were placed on beds, also something about either marriage/newlyweds/couples using the notes for good luck and/or passion? Does anyone remember this one? I've contacted Bath and Body Works customer service twice already but they didn't know, so maybe someone out there really loved this one too and thinks they know the name of it? Please let me know if you do, this would be an awesome anniversary or Valentines gift for my now fiancรยฉ, we upgraded : )
So here's what I know:
Product from BBW
Aromatherapy product
Sensuality line
Red bottle
Was out during the summer of 2004
The notes and writing on the bottle talked about couples/marriage/newlyweds, flower petals on the beds, or something about luck in love and passion.
Thank you everyone and be well.
<3 M.
Hi Nan Martin, thank you for your help. No I do not have the bottle. I don't remember the essential oils in it either. Ylang ylang or Jasmine probably was in there. There are so many combinations that BBW came out with that include those two notes. I may end up having to purchase all of them to find it but I really don't want to do that. Maybe someone out there hoarded this particular oil and can help me out. Thanks again : )
Can you please help me with finding the name of a discontinued product from BBW?
In 2004 I bought a massage oil from Bath and Body Works from their Aromatherapy Sensuality line (the red bottles). I loved it. My boyfriend and I were a newer couple then and used this together. With this scent we created many scent memories. We are still together and here six years later, he still talks about this scent every once in a while and I wish I could find it for him. I know it is discontinued now so I have been looking on eBay and Amazon, both of which carry many discontinued products. There are about five from the Sensuality line that I found that may be it, but I can't really afford to buy all of the ones it could be.
The only thing I can remember is that it had some kind of lore written on the bottle, something about how flower petals were placed on beds, also something about either marriage/newlyweds/couples using the notes for good luck and/or passion? Does anyone remember this one? I've contacted Bath and Body Works customer service twice already but they didn't know, so maybe someone out there really loved this one too and thinks they know the name of it? Please let me know if you do, this would be an awesome anniversary or Valentines gift for my now fiancรยฉ, we upgraded : )
So here's what I know:
Product from BBW
Aromatherapy product
Sensuality line
Red bottle
Was out during the summer of 2004
The notes and writing on the bottle talked about couples/marriage/newlyweds, flower petals on the beds, or something about luck in love and passion.
Thank you everyone and be well.
<3 M.
Hi Nan Martin, thank you for your help. No I do not have the bottle. I don't remember the essential oils in it either. Ylang ylang or Jasmine probably was in there. There are so many combinations that BBW came out with that include those two notes. I may end up having to purchase all of them to find it but I really don't want to do that. Maybe someone out there hoarded this particular oil and can help me out. Thanks again : )