LesPuff, when I saw the subject line, I thought your thread was about a certain movement performed by the chicas when riding cowgirl.
Case in point: Rachel and Paola were at ZB when I first visited in 2004. I was very happy to see them both again in Aug./Sept. 2005, still at ZB, and did sessions with both.
On the other hand, we've tracked a lot of girls' movements around the scene. Brenda of ZB (2004) became Kathi of Bar Idem, then became Brenda of ZB again for a short while. The Blonde Ambition threesome (Laura, Pamela and Johanna) moved as a team from Oasis to ZB, and now only Pamela remains on the ZB roster.
In other words, where MP girls are concerned, you might see them come and go, and you may be able to find a "lost" favorita simply by visiting another MP. If I understand correctly, the bright, beautiful and too damn skinny Marcella is back at ZB after a long hiatus. So you never can tell. The hunt is still part of the fun, even for MP fans!
PM Admin 1 about removing the thread. :idea: