I have been offered the opportunity to treat a couple of foster kids (arranged by social services) and details are hopefully to be confirmed shortly.
Obviously I need the child to be accompanied by a suitable adult eg carer, social worker etc and for them to remain with the child at all times.
I havedrafted a consent form (below). Has anyone done this type of work before and if so have you any advice? Thanks
To be completed by Parent, Legal Guardian or Health Professional [/b]with parental responsibility[/b]
Parent / Carer Consent Form [/b]
Ref: Childโs full name ___________________________
Date of birth ____ / ____ / ____
Address ___________________________
Form completed by ___________________________
In the capacity of ___________________________
MY NAME(the therapist) has fully explained the proposed treatment(s) being offered to the above child.
I understand that a full consultation will be carried out prior to any initial treatment and details will be checked at all subsequent visits. The therapist has made me fully aware of any possible side effects or reactions which may occur afterwards and, in addition, aftercare advice will be provided in writing.
I agree to accompany the above child to all treatments and remain with him / her throughout each session.
I understand that the child must also give their consent if possible.
On behalf of the above named child I therefore give my full consent to the provision of Reflexology and Indian Head Massage Treatments from(MY NAME, COMPANY ETC)
Signed _______________________ Date ____ / ____ / ____
Print name _______________________
Signed The therapist
Signed by child if appropriate _____________________________
Obviously I need the child to be accompanied by a suitable adult eg carer, social worker etc and for them to remain with the child at all times.
I havedrafted a consent form (below). Has anyone done this type of work before and if so have you any advice? Thanks
To be completed by Parent, Legal Guardian or Health Professional [/b]with parental responsibility[/b]
Parent / Carer Consent Form [/b]
Ref: Childโs full name ___________________________
Date of birth ____ / ____ / ____
Address ___________________________
Form completed by ___________________________
In the capacity of ___________________________
MY NAME(the therapist) has fully explained the proposed treatment(s) being offered to the above child.
I understand that a full consultation will be carried out prior to any initial treatment and details will be checked at all subsequent visits. The therapist has made me fully aware of any possible side effects or reactions which may occur afterwards and, in addition, aftercare advice will be provided in writing.
I agree to accompany the above child to all treatments and remain with him / her throughout each session.
I understand that the child must also give their consent if possible.
On behalf of the above named child I therefore give my full consent to the provision of Reflexology and Indian Head Massage Treatments from(MY NAME, COMPANY ETC)
Signed _______________________ Date ____ / ____ / ____
Print name _______________________
Signed The therapist
Signed by child if appropriate _____________________________