they usually give monthly contacts now, you wear these during the day for a month and then throw them away and start a new pair. At night you should rinse them with solution and store them in the case. If you sleep in them they will get cloudy from eye protein and might make your eyes itchy and maybe give you a headache, also you are more likely to have eye problems if you sleep in them. if you just take a little nap its probably not too bad, they might just get dried out a little. They could fall out if they get too dry, so eye drops are good. I wore contacts for 12 years and only had a contact fall out 2-3 times. However, I did have a bad experience with a contact (or half of one) going behind my eye - I went down a water slide while wearing my contacts and later found half of my contact in the front of my eye, I assumed the other half fell out (it had torn somehow from the water slide!) but the next day, after my eye had been hurting and goopy for the whole day, the other half peeked out from the corner of my eye, the lost half had gotten behind my eye! Moral of the story= don't wear contacts on water slides!
Also, I recommend getting some kind of generic brand contacts from Walmart or 1800contacts because they are the same but way cheaper.
Good luck!