Had this address for a stricly therapeutic massage on me for some time and had a chance to check it out.Don't remember where I got the address,not important anyways.It"s called DA WEI MASSOTHERAPY.Located at 1320 Du College 2nd floor,emphasis on 2nd floor.Almost at st.croixe.Phone-5514-560-7607.
Walking about,can't find the 1320,turn around and start back.Noticed a door open with stairs and went up.Can't explain what I saw,but there was a sign on one of those chinese walls.Knocked on wall,curtain opens and an asian woman about 50? starts speaking with me.Maybe to the confusion of it all,but it seemed that neither of us could get our point across.The whole area consists of about a 12x12 room with 2 tables with a curtain seperating the tables and a chinese wall seperating the area from the stairwell.A very odd setup.Finaly agreed to take 1 hour massage,no shower.Didn't ask,but didn't see one either.She told me to remove my clothes except for my thong,just kidding.I thought maybe she would put a towel over my backside as I am familiar with that even though I still have my undergarment on as she wants it like that.NO towel and she begins to do her thing.Maybe a minute or 2 into the massage,she recomends that it would be better if my undergarment was off if I don't have a problem with that.I don't and the WALL obscures any view if people come up the stairs.She took them off and thought maybe a towel would be placed on me,nope.The massage is very good and not one muscle ignored,a lot of buttock,hip concentration that caught my attention to the point where I was wondering what type of massage this is going to be.I recall the add saying no deviation from proffesional treatment or to that effect.She applies the proper amount of pressure required for that particular area,Harder or easier depending on your neccesity.Very thourough and proffesional,no teasing,as how it should be.Just a little concerned about all the buttock concentration and lack of towel.Told me to turn over,expected a towel would be introduced,nope.O.k then best contain myself.more very good massage,no area missed.The head was done,feet,toes,arms,chest ,legs,butt,hips,you name it,it was tended to.During the legs,some incidental bumping that is common among other mp's,but not as blatintly or prolonged.Although it did cause me to concentrate and remind me where I was.When she started on the abs and groin area,began to,how to put it?shall I say my attention was hightend?Not to the point that it was at full attention,but she must have noticed and moved away to the chest.It ended shortly after and it was worth the 40 for the hour.an overall very good massage,if a little bizarre setup.As mentioned,think she is about 50,not a looker,pleasant woman if little hard to understand.Good thourogh massage with good hands.The way she did the toes was kinda like someone else would do the commander in charge.If she does do that,pretty sure it would be good as her hands have talent,but i don't know,don't think so,especialy with stairs so close an all.And not that type of place.But for 40,you get your moneys worth.