While those rain-scented vent clips and tiny evergreens hanging from your rear-view mirror may appear to be cleansing your car from the inside out, the synthetic fragrances they impart are anything but fresh.
Typically made from a combination of any of some 3,000 health- and enviro-disrupting chemicals, these parfums are considered must-avoid compounds when it comes to household cleaners, sunscreens, and deodorants—so your car air freshener should be no different.
By using pads of essential oils and essential-oil blends, this aromatherapy car diffuser ($16.95) from Vancouver’s Saje Natural Wellness (various locations) offers an ecofriendly alternative.
Simply plug it into your cigarette-lighter socket and kick back to all-natural scents designed to revitalize, calm, and destress your mind on the go.
Typically made from a combination of any of some 3,000 health- and enviro-disrupting chemicals, these parfums are considered must-avoid compounds when it comes to household cleaners, sunscreens, and deodorants—so your car air freshener should be no different.
By using pads of essential oils and essential-oil blends, this aromatherapy car diffuser ($16.95) from Vancouver’s Saje Natural Wellness (various locations) offers an ecofriendly alternative.
Simply plug it into your cigarette-lighter socket and kick back to all-natural scents designed to revitalize, calm, and destress your mind on the go.