Many people get massages for the purpose of feeling good and relaxing. But the other benefits, which are many, can help everyone from the young athlete to the grandparent.
Massage therapy isn’t a new practice and has evolved over thousands of years, as part of medical practice. References to massage have been found in Chinese medical texts, dating back more than 4,000 years.
Some of the benefits of massage therapy
Pain relief and management are at the center of what massage therapists can offer to clients. “Nearly 50 million American adults have significant chronic pain or severe pain, according to a new study prepared by National Institutes of Health’s National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH)” (Source)
These can include back, shoulder and neck pain, headaches, arthritis and fibromyalgia. While levels of pain are obviously subjective, a person’s individual reality can be improved through therapies like massage.
Pain that comes from other sources can also benefit from massage:
- Post-operative / acute disease or condition related pain — in fact, pain related to the management of cancer, including lymphatic drainage pain that is very prevalent for breast cancer patients, can be relieved with massage therapy.
- Maternal and newborn care — The stress that a mother’s body endures before and during delivery of a baby can be alleviated through massage.
- Rehabilitation from injury — Ask any world class athlete and they’ll tell you that they’ve benefited from massage therapy at some point in their career! Beyond athletes, cardiac and joint replacement patients experience pain that can be helped. Even the pain from repetitive stress injuries that are work related, such as carpal tunnel syndrome, can be improved significantly.
- Mental health — Stress and anxiety are just two examples of mental health issues that can be relieved with massage therapy.
There are no limits to the benefits of massage therapy when it comes to pain management and relief. And since pain comes in many forms, so does the help that massage provides.
Elements of Health is sponsored by Elements Massage. The Franklin studio is located at 539 Cool Springs Boulevard, Suite 140 Franklin, Tennessee 37067. The Brentwood studio is located at 782 Old Hickory Boulevard, Suite 113 Brentwood, TN 37027. You can contact the Franklin studio at (615) 771-0003 or visit their website here. Visit the Brentwood website here or call (615) 730- 6806.
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