Hey, walgreendude and the Hunter,
Thank you both for contributing to this thread, and walgreen don't apologize for asking about something that after many years of hobbying was something new to me. Thanks for introducing me to something sensuously new. A great idea!
First, about the Italian Finish. I can't point to any particular place or girl who would provide this sensuous ending.
But I can pretty much guarantee that you won't find it with any Asian MP or at Asian-run MP. Let's face it -- or at least in the case of the many Asian women I've met in my many years of hobbying and of course, admitting there is always the possibility of exceptions and individual differences. Maybe it's just my bad luck that I've never met them) -- 2 cheeks doesn't add up to one rounded ass. So that makes the Italian Finish just about impossible with an Asian girl (although, as Mod 11 points out, it might be interesting to try it with a flat-assed woman.)
And besides, the Asians haven't yet discovered what the word "sensuality" means -- at least, again based on my long experience with Asian women extending perhaps over 20 years (I'm open to any recommendation that might prove me wrong. Just give me the contacts and I'll be pleased to report on them.) Again, based on my personal and long and extensive experience with Asian women, it is my personal opinion that they would not see the Italian Finish as something sensual or erotic, but rather as something gross, dangerous and very close to a perversion.
For those of you old enough to remember Laura of Sante Excellence and Apogee, you'll droolingly remember her famous "pussy slide'"
Now, to the so-called Thai Massaage.
As you must already know, the term as used around here has absolutely nothing to to do with a real Thai massages available in Thailand - in either the traditional or sex tourist variety.
Locally, the Thai is one of the greatest con jobs being foisted upon naive suckers and eforum.xxxites. Basically it consists of MPs rubbing their nipples on your back for a couple of minutes and grabbing a minimum of $80 - that's it, and that';s all!
Now to the distinction between an erotic massage and a sensuous one.
Again, the Asian women I have met in my many years of hobbying (and making allowances for individual exceptions that I may not have the good fortune of meeting) haven't developed any sense of sensuality, believing that mere basic "in-out" sexual mechanics is sufficient to qualify them to ask for telephone-number-sized tips.
As one concrete example, I want to tell you about an Asian MP I used to regularly see for going on 2 years because she started out being relatively cheap.. She used to refer to herself as a "massagee girl" because she she didn't want to think of herself as just another "h--ker" -- But the cheapness ended once she discovered the Thai Massage con. That's when her price jumped to a minimum $80 tip, for lightly brushing the tips of her nipples on your back. She claimed to be one of the few Asian "massagee girls" with any sense of sensuality -- that meant she would kiss you you on the lips (after nearly 2 years and my trying) with dry, tightly pursed lips, pulling away at the first hint of tongue -- so DFK was out! So were digiits deeper than the tip of the clitoris. Daty was out as well.And so was BBBJ. I can't imagine her allowing an Italian Finish, except perhaps with a condom and at a premium cost-- IMHO no sensuality in that at all!
I'd imagine that your greatest chance at finding someone into the Italian Finish and offering a measure of sensuality would be at either a Russian place or at a high class place such as the 2214 where I've become a regular. Speak to Victoria,the receptionist, and see what she has to say.