Since RBC 100,Don Gordo,and others have cornered the market on the sleaseball stuff,Latinoheat and I went on our own strip club tour last night. I wanted to go to Tango India and Atlantis since I knew a chica intimately in each place. So Atlantis was out first stop. WOW,what a phucking rip-off. The chicas (with the exception of the one I know), were average at best. There was no admission charge when you arrive.However as soon as you sit down,they tell you that there is a 3 drink minimum(if you drink beer otherwise you get 2 drinks for your money) and you must pay $15 right away. OK this didn't seem too outrageous because the club was quite lavish. I ask if the chica I know is there and within 2 minutes she and a friend for Latinoheat appear. Well the dancer drinks were like she warned me they would be. A glass of champagne was $20.A glass of wine was ONLY $17. I apologised to my chica for being a cheapskate and off she went. We finished one beer and decided to take our loss and leave,since there was no fun to be had. Off we went to Tango India which I had been to once before. I really wanted to hook up with a fantastic chica I was with in my house about 8 months ago.We used our CRT VIP card to gain a free admission and a free drink with no hassle. I asked the waiter if my chica was in and within two minutes she arrived at our table with a friend.To my delight she remembered my name and our night together in my house. The chicas here are by far the highest quality of any other club in town.A glass of wine was $10 which for the quality and performance at the tables (some naked) was very reasonable. Latino Heat's chica was doing some serious semi-naked kissing and humping while my chica was taking her turn dancing on the center stage.My chica gave me her number which I already had and we made plans for Tuesday when she is off. One funny thing happened.When I bought her a glass of wine,I ordered one for my self since I had finished the free one. Her drink was $10 and mine was a very reasonable $4.The funny thing was how her drink was HALF the size of mine. It was so obvious that we all started laughing including the waiter when I pointed it out to him.