I have found that most MPs slow down in traffic through the last 2 weeks of the year...everyone is shopping, spending time with family, they aren't as interested in parting with scarce cash for a HJ or BJ.
It has been my experience that this supply/demand quotient can be effectively utilized by us hobbyists to our advantage...the girls need money desperately for gifts for their children (their ex-husbands usually being in arrears on child support), and, with hardly any clients, they aren't getting that cash; so, play hardball (Chris Mathews will love you for it)...say, $10 for a HJ, $25 for a BJ...no ands, ifs, or but(t)s...
Once they see that you mean it, they will grab it, because it might mean the difference between little Sergei or wee Mei-Lin getting that Power Barf Bag Ninja Caribou or whatever the exploitive toy fad of the month is. $X is better than $0, even the dimmest bulb in the Edison cabinet can figure that one out.
Now, to return to my favourite Christmas carol(e)...Oh Cum all Ye Faithful...
It has been my experience that this supply/demand quotient can be effectively utilized by us hobbyists to our advantage...the girls need money desperately for gifts for their children (their ex-husbands usually being in arrears on child support), and, with hardly any clients, they aren't getting that cash; so, play hardball (Chris Mathews will love you for it)...say, $10 for a HJ, $25 for a BJ...no ands, ifs, or but(t)s...
Once they see that you mean it, they will grab it, because it might mean the difference between little Sergei or wee Mei-Lin getting that Power Barf Bag Ninja Caribou or whatever the exploitive toy fad of the month is. $X is better than $0, even the dimmest bulb in the Edison cabinet can figure that one out.
Now, to return to my favourite Christmas carol(e)...Oh Cum all Ye Faithful...