Once, toward the end the back massage stage my attendant and I sort of wound down the conversation. I had a physical sensation just as the quiet settled in that the level of sensuality stepped up. It was as if her hands and body really went to work at that point, like the massage went from being usual or ordinary, to being a truly sensual, whole-body experience. I've had this feeling during RMT massages without the happy ending. Amazing, this attendant was able to maintain the feeling right through to the finish.
Who was it? Kyla@Allure. Now I've enjoyed conversation with her through whole sessions before, but boy, oh boy, on THAT day the absense of speech was something else. Talk about clicking of a different kind.
It's never happened again since, not with her nor anyone else, but imagine this: a session in which the lady works you into deep relaxation and then shushes you to quiet the conversation so that she can get into that special zone and take you with her. To me, that would be someone who truly knows what she's doing.