Expensive hobby.
Can become addictive.
I was wondering how often you folks participate in a session?
I used to drop in once a month. Years ago.
Then didn’t go to a spa for 15 years and just started again.
I was looking to go once a week. Trying to keep it to once every two weeks now.
Seems I'm getting a little long in the tooth here, I think I've been visiting now for close to eight years now or so.
I started slow, maybe a visit every 2 or 3 weeks, and within a year or two, was visiting weekly.
I think I had 3 years where I visited various spas close to 200 times annually, yes I know a bit insane.
I can state that I have visited at least 1200 times seeing 350 girls over the last 8 years, I can state upon review, a bit of a crazy run.
In 2023, I visited 193 times, so a little crazy frankly, addictive, having both time and money was fortunate.
In 2024, I've not visited as much, last year was only 93 visits, I had a new lady friend, so frequency was down.
Some of my favourites over that period of time I may have seen 60 to 80 times, they are all still working.
There were a few girls I saw weekly for a year or more, sometimes twice a week. I know maybe 20 - 25 girls intimately as far as spa girls go.
Given changes in my lifestyle and playing a little more golf and having a personal lady friend or two, the last few months have been incredibly light in visits.
October - 9 / Nov - 6 / Dec - 4 and so far in January only 2, but plan to get out tomorrow.
2025, I anticipate between 4 and 8 visits monthly, I do miss the girls, most are quite special in their own way.
I project between 60 - 80 visits in 2025, mostly local, and likely just seem my regular girls, a small list of 6 girls.
So to your point, it's time consuming, it's addictive, it's expensive .... yet, it can be a very healthy hobby.
Expensive items like alcohol, drugs, cars, golf, leaf games, raptor games, jays games are very expensive as well.
Happy New Year!