Because of the incredible benefits of massage, it may be tempting to get one whenever you can, but there are things to consider when deciding how often to implement them into your health routine. Consider why you are seeking massage therapy. If you are looking for more of a general, physical tune-up, you can space out your visits every four to six weeks. But if you have pain or tension, you may want to consider seeing a therapist every one to three weeks until the tension dissipates, says Press Modern Massage.
In addition, if you are wanting a deliberate massage routine for your mental well-being, according to Skin Care by L'Oréal, the more consistently you get a massage, the better it may be for your mental and physical well-being. Healthline recommends getting a massage once or twice a month for ultimate relaxation and stress relief. Consider getting a 60-minute massage that focuses on relaxation to help ease anxiety. Medical Massage Group advises that it is also beneficial to see the same therapist each time. This will help you relax, and they will be able to monitor any changes in your body.