One such ojas-boosting practice is self-massage. Babies and toddlers are massaged daily, and when they are a little bit older, they are taught to massage their family members. Women get daily massages for 40 days after giving birth. Once you become accustomed to the health and beauty benefits of massages, you won’t be able to do without them. Fortunately for our wallets, ayurveda considers self-massage, or abhyanga, to be just as beneficial as a massage given by another.
Set aside some time once a week, or daily if you can, to practice abhyanga, and you will soon see the benefits, including toned, glowing skin, improved circulation, the relief of stiffness in the joints, and the flushing out of toxins in the body. It’s also a wonderful way to get to know your own body better. Use sesame, sunflower, or almond oil for massage; it feels extra luxurious if you warm it beforehand in a pan of hot water.
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