How do you successfully introduce a new cat into your household if you already have other pets? As cats can be territorial creatures, bringing a new kitty home to meet Fido or Fluffy can be a hair-raising experience for not only the owner but also the resident petsรยขรขโยฌรขโฌif not handled correctly. A peaceful relationship between new and existing feline or canine housemates requires time, patience and work. The introduction process generally takes a few weeks before the pets are all cohabitating peacefully. At times, though, it can take several weeks. The trick is to do it slowly and cautiouslyรยขรขโยฌรยฆand follow the guidelines below.
* Isolate the new cat in a separate รยขรขโยฌร
โSafe Roomรยขรขโยฌร. That is closed off from the other pets (make sure the door is securely shut and doesnรยขรขโยฌรขโยขt open easily). This smaller, confined area will help the new cat to feel safe and adjust more quickly to his new home. Provide a litter box, scratching post, toys, food, and water in the new catรยขรขโยฌรขโยขs room. This separation will also give your current pets time to get used to the new catรยขรขโยฌรขโยขs smell and the idea of having a new occupant in the house. During the first week, the only interaction that your new cat and resident cats should have is playing paws under the door.
* Remember. cats like routine, not change Your resident catsรยขรขโยฌรขโยข behavior may initially change when you first bring the new cat home. Most common is hissing, growling, hiding or fighting among resident pets. Your current cats may even act differently toward you by displaying aggression or ignoring you all together. With your new cat in his รยขรขโยฌร
โsafe room,รยขรขโยฌร the new and resident cats will all have the opportunity to become familiar with each othersรยขรขโยฌรขโยข scents while safely separated by a door. As they begin to acclimate to each other, the cats will feel less threatened and, with time, the negative behavior should dissipate.
* Always introduce a new cat to the resident cats before introducing him to the resident dog(s). In most cases, the cat to cat introductions will be more harried, with the cat to dog introductions being somewhat easier.
Introducing Cats
* The new cat and resident cats should have no face-to-face interaction for the first week. This will allow the new cat time to get comfortable with his new environment and family. The stress of a new environment can cause a cat to show signs of an upper respiratory infection (watch for sneezing, eye or nose discharge) or diarrhea. Watch to make sure that the new cat is eating well, drinking and using the litter box. In almost every case, a cat that does not use his litter box is suffering from a medical condition. Any instance of inappropriate elimination (outside of the litter box) should be followed up with a visit to the vet.
* After keeping the new cat in a room of his own for the first week, start introducing the smells of each cat to the other. You can do this by brushing all of the cats with the same brush to get their scents on each other. Also, try feeding them each a special treat on either side of the door. Doing so will help each cat to associate the smell of the other cat with the positive experience of eating the treat (usually wet food works best). You may want to have your resident cats go into the new catรยขรขโยฌรขโยขs room (and visa versa) when he is not there to help them get acclimated to his scent.
* After introducing smells for a few days, when you are ready for the first face-to-face introduction, put the new cat in his carrier and let the resident cats come into the รยขรขโยฌร
โsafe room.รยขรขโยฌร This will give you an opportunity to observe the interaction among the cats while the new cat is protected in his carrier.
* Usually with this initial meeting there will be some hissing and/or posturing. If the interaction seems as though it could lead to aggression, you will need to do this controlled introduction using the carrier a few more times before removing the barriers and allowing the cats to meet face-to-face. If the cats all appear to be curious or simply wary with no outward signs of aggression, then you can open the carrier door and let the new cat walk out into the territory of the resident cats. Do not rush this process. It is very important to the long term harmony of their relationship that the introduction process proceed at a pace comfortable for each of the cats.
* Monitor all interactions closely during the first weeks. Do not leave the cats alone unsupervised until you are comfortable that there will not be aggressive behavior displayed by any of the cats. During the first few weeks, the new cat should stay in his รยขรขโยฌร
โsafe roomรยขรขโยฌร when no one is home to supervise.
* If interaction among the cats deteriorates instead of improving, return the new cat to his รยขรขโยฌร
โsafe room.รยขรขโยฌร At this point you will need to start the introduction process again, this time, taking more time at each stage.
Introducing a Cat and Dog
* When you bring a new cat int