It is obvious, even though the self named Dr. P., even if he is Dr. P. has believed the world to be flat, meaning in his answer, was the correct answer in modern medical practice.
The psychiatrist deasl more with the medical side of what causes mental dysfunction, and psycologist does tend to practice more in any repetitive psychotherapies. Both are educated enough to perform these tests but it is something that you can only be trained so far in. Meaning if you do not have good natural deductive skills, they can train bookworms until they are blue in the face, and the simple fact remains, they suck. Book smart has nothing in common with common sense.
If this is the treatment you are under, please consider options out there that a being scientifically proven every day. I would never suggest jumping off ship of the pharmaceutical you are now taking either. I would ask that a Gluten free diet be instituted and that I educate myself to what this possible, life altering diet can do.
Here is the genetic scientific skinny.(slang).We, as a species, have the genetic propesity to exhibit celiac related dysfuntions. This 99.9% accurate test has been instituded by Dr. Alessio Fasano who teaches our doctors as to the possible definitions of food allergy has to do with the current state of our species declining health. He teaches at the University of Maryland.
This genetic test was given indescriminebntly. This mean it is of the highest accuracy rating due to the fact every child, and not a group of sick children, were genetically tested for the HLA DQ2 and the HLA DQ8 genetic modifiers that are known to be associated with the deadly more accute form of the disease known as celiac sprue.
Having been misdiagnosed by every doctor in my area to include ivy league teaching medical Universities, I resorted to learn this dysfunction inside and out. I had myself genetically tested to see if I could stop the level 10 medical pain that happened through out my life. I am HLA DQ8 Pacific Rim Hunter Gatherer.
Knowledge is power. I am the high functioning Asperger systemic autistic intelligence, that is not supposed to exist. Remember, even though the FDA knows wheat is the largest dietary and evolutionary mistake as result of the genetic test are known.
Why would one country such as Italy recognize the benefits of genetic testing and other coutries fight it tooth and nail? Simple.
Genetic testing is an accurate science. 99.9% infalible. The current cost is around $150 Us. If this were to happen the devastation that would happen to the money making healthcare system, the obvious $100,000 we spent on my 100% accurate misdiagnosis performed by the "PRACTICE" of medicine would mean a $99,850 loss to the wasteful health care system.
To directly answer the question, only by law is it necessary. If you educate yourself, and you have good instincts, you too can perform them. If you are slow witted enough to sit in classrooms, through all your young years, you too can be liscenced and perform them.
I have been able to diagnose myself and do the "Impossible". Cure myself, with no degree on the wall. Hogwash and Rubbish!
Go to and lok for the article drywall guy cure his own illness.