Me...about 2 yes ago, agree with everything said, very very spiritual type massage.
One of the things I found really weird was that mpter I got undressed I hoped onto massage table and she said, woa back up the bus big boy (well that is my translation) she actually said hop off as I need start with u off table. So she proceeded to show me how I should put my hand on a womans stomach to feel her energy. I wS facing her back and she very nearly felt my energy if she was a bit closer, as i was stiffer than a honey mooner's dick at that seforum.xxxe/.'Found that very weird.
And as she finally wrapped her mitts around by lingam ( tantra meaning for lighting wand) , she said in a rather condescending tone, you can choose to take your energy with you or keep it, and I won't judge you for it.
Well fuck me dead said foreskin Reviewed!!!??? WTF?
At that seforum.xxxe I had lostinterest in happy ending.
Decided not to return, worth a visit tho for something different.