Kamur For Sale
Ding Dong: Wrong on both counts.
Prolijo: As usual, keen insight, but not correct on all comments.
Newman's health: The kind words and comments are appreciated. To be specific, the malady is paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. It is under reasonable control, but the stress of owning a business is contraindicated.
Orange: Sorry, but your not likely to find any "standard deviations" for businesses in Costa Rica. Also, history is not very important and often unreliable. A good entrepreneur, however, could come up with a pretty close value by visiting the club a couple of nights and observing, taking a tour of the club, and then spending an hour with paper, pencil and a calculator. Most of the value is determined in the mind of the buyer when he tries to figure out what he would do and could do if he bought it, and guesstimating what the probable results would be.