I went to Kamur Wednesday night and found it extremely boring. The place is big and has great potential but Nobody seemed into their work (probably due to unsettled ownership issues). No entrance fee thanks to CRT. I stayed for one Imperial and blew out after that.
On the other hand, after I left Kamur I headed to Las Magaritas and enjoyed the place. The chicas are decent with a few exceptional ones. The one I had my eyes on got scooped up real quickly (you snooze you lose). I saw another attractive one that I just blew off because I wanted the other one (she didn't know that because when she approached me I gave her the standard "maybe later" line). Well later came sooner then later so I decided to make her my wife for 30 minutes. She's a tall bl;onde (real hair color) and alot of fun. She was concerned about safety issues and expressed that the bj would be covered. I then said my "safety issues" word "propina" and what was once going to be a covered bj "safely became uncovered :wink: . The fee for full service was 12000 colones with a 5000 colones propina.
To make a long post short, the club is a small "dingy" club with great potential if the right chicas are working (and some are exceptional in looks and talent).
On the other hand, after I left Kamur I headed to Las Magaritas and enjoyed the place. The chicas are decent with a few exceptional ones. The one I had my eyes on got scooped up real quickly (you snooze you lose). I saw another attractive one that I just blew off because I wanted the other one (she didn't know that because when she approached me I gave her the standard "maybe later" line). Well later came sooner then later so I decided to make her my wife for 30 minutes. She's a tall bl;onde (real hair color) and alot of fun. She was concerned about safety issues and expressed that the bj would be covered. I then said my "safety issues" word "propina" and what was once going to be a covered bj "safely became uncovered :wink: . The fee for full service was 12000 colones with a 5000 colones propina.
To make a long post short, the club is a small "dingy" club with great potential if the right chicas are working (and some are exceptional in looks and talent).