Finding chicas here for "lesbien shows" is no problem; finding chicas that do not fake it, is a BIG problem. Alot of chicas have figured out that a lot of us gringos like to see 2 chicas together and like having them do things together to each other and to the guy. Many actually fake the DATY with the other chica. I know one chica that is always trying to get guys to do 3somes and she always told the guy she was BI. The first time she was with me and my ex, she went crazy and finally admitted she had never actually been 'eaten' by another chica.
The trick is to find one chica that is truely BI and likes doing other chicas, then let her pick the other chica or chicas. BUT ALWAYS make sure that they know you want and expect the real thing. not fake.
One thing I use to do is go to the KLargo and look for 2 chicas paying more attention to each other than to the guys. Now as I said, my ex points them out to me. She has a better eye for this sort of thing :shock: :twisted: :wink: