On Saturday, 29 year-old Caleb Eaves was arrested in Nacogdoches after a woman went to his home and place of business and she was allegedly sexually assaulted during a professional massage.
The crime has other East Texans in the same profession concerned that it affects them.
Therese Hostetter, a licensed massage therapist, said that it made her sick to the stomach.
“It hurts to see other therapists break the code of ethics. We take an oath to provide the utmost care for our clients” Hostetter said.
These ethics are what local massage therapists are hoping to maintain with their clients despite rare situations like this. Yasmine Harajli. a licensed massage therapist said that it’s important to establish a certain amount of trust with her clients.
“We take it very seriously to make our clients feel comfortable, like they’re protected. We do take draping very seriously. We want to make sure that our clients are covered and comfortable all times and that they feel protected when they’re with us.” Harajli said
Therapists also say that it’s important to do thorough research before choosing a massage therapist.
"You really need to do the homework for yourself, I wouldn’t depend on taking the word of an establishment, but do your background check. You would, if you were to get a haircut, or other lesser things than entrusting your body with a therapist.” Hostetter said.
Hostetter adds the alleged acts by Eaves aren't common occurrences in their line of work, but it does raise concerns over having a massage therapist the opposite sex of their clients.
“You’re talking an hour of trusting your body with somebody; make sure you have that gut feeling that you’re compatible in a client-body worker relationship.” Hostetter said.
Clients are encouraged to start off with a 30-minute basic session to check a therapist out, before moving on to a thorough full hour to establish trust with him or her.
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