Answer ย ย
Subject: Re: diabetes massage
Answered By: librariankt-ga on 08 Sep 2003 11:54 PDT
Hi Savor,
There have been some articles written, particularly in the alternative and complementary medicine magazines/journals, about massage therapy for diabetes. ย I searched the Alternative Medicine and AMED databases from EBSCO and found a few things that I think you'll find helpful.
Unfortunately I can't give you the whole article because of copyright, but I'm including the citation (so you can find it at a local library) and an excerpt when available.
Rose, Mary Kathleen. Massage & Bodywork; Feb/Mar2001, Vol. 16 Issue 1,
p84, 5p
As with any population, massage is a beneficial complementary therapy
- diabetics, however, can find the results especially helpful.
Circulation - There is no getting around the fact that massage can increase circulation, thereby encouraging the efficient transport of
oxygen and nutrients throughout the body. Improved circulation, in turn, improves the cells' insulin uptake.
Relaxation - The benefits of relaxation should not be underestimated,
especially within the diabetic community. Consider the physical and psychological stresses of living with a debilitating disease and the need to self-medicate and monitor on a daily basis, as well as the burden diabetes puts on the body and its systems. That said, it's easy to see the therapeutic correlation between massage and diabetes. With the release of endorphins, the nervous system calms, there is a reduction of stress hormones and the diabetic client can find a homeostasis with their blood sugar levels.
Myofascial effects - For the client with diabetes, you may likely find a thickening of their connective tissue caused by increased blood sugars. Massage will help to increase mobility and tissue elasticity that has been hindered by that thickening effect. Of course, a good exercise program - with an efficient stretching regimen - will also benefit your client."
Acupressure, breath awareness help diabetes patients. by Vest, Gerald W. Massage Magazine; Jul/Aug2000 Issue 86, p64, 1p "A combination of acupressure and breath awareness may help people with diabetes, according to a study originally published in the journal Health & Social Work. The study showed that a short stress-relief program including touch could lower blood sugar and improve health in diabetic patients."
Diabetes mellitus treated by massage. by Wu W; Li C. JOURNAL OF TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE, Mar 1, 1998; 18(1): 64-5 [sorry, no abstract]
Massage lowers blood glucose levels in children with diabetes. Massage Magazine; May/Jun97 Issue 67, p23, 1p [sorry, no abstract]
You can also take a look at the articles in PubMed MEDLINE using the following link (will automatically search for "massage AND diabetes"):
An online article by Mary Rose (see the first article above) titled "Therapeutic massage and diabetes" is at
I didn't find any articles in either MEDLINE or the alternative medicine databases on the use of grounding in the treatment of diabetes.
Finally, I checked the MEDLINEplus consumer health database (from the National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health) for
information. ย The health topic on diabetes
( ) has a lot of great
links in it, including the following:
Alternative Therapies for Diabetes
This page is sponsored by the National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse and not only has some info about alternative medicines, but also a link to automatically search the Combined Health Information Databases for recent articles about diabetes therapies (scroll to the bottom of the page to see this link). ย When I clicked the link the very first article it found for me dealt with relaxation therapies.
Good luck!