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Massage is done by a Carribean lady - late 30's.
She doesn't have her RMT (says she's going to school for it).
She is running it as a "spa", so on the 'up".
Is located downtown - Jasper Avenue - if you are in the area.
Relaxing massage | Massage Services | Edmonton | Kijiji
Offering waxing, relaxing massage and much More at our newly opened spa location downtown on Jasper Ave. Send an email to to book or for more information. Call us at 825-480-1881. Need to relax and just chat also, book and hour, strictly professional, no undrapped...
Offering waxing, relaxing massage and much More at our newly opened spa location downtown on Jasper Ave. Send an email to to book or for more information. Call us at 825-480-1881.Need to relax and just chat also, book and hour, strictly professional, no undrapped massage and there's no shower.Massage is done by a Carribean lady - late 30's.
She doesn't have her RMT (says she's going to school for it).
She is running it as a "spa", so on the 'up".
Is located downtown - Jasper Avenue - if you are in the area.