I have taken a few weeks off the massage scene because of a messed up experince that i had. Let me know if this sort of thing has ever happened. So one day at wrok i take a break with this co-worker that i barely know. We begin talking about gfs, etc and he asks me if i wanted to see a picture of his gf. I say sure and he pulls out a picture of a beautiful young girl and himself out of his wallet. I take a closer look and realize that it is a picture of one of my fave mpas. I was just in shock as he gushed about her and through our conversation i realized that her father is someone of very high society in Canada. It made me wonder why a girl who came from such a wealthy family and had such a wealthy bf would be doing massage. i always respected mpas who did it as a means to make money for school etc, but this was just messed up. I can hardly look at this coworker anymore because of the level of how i know his precious gf. A few weeks later i heard the same guy lecturing some guy about how sleazy strip clubs and mps are and how people who go are low lifes.had to sort of laugh...