So five days of debauchery came to a close with a six hour drive back to Pa. Lots to reflect on...mostly the hangover from five days of non stop Jack Daniels and Makers Mark....lost count somewhere around 5:00 pm on Saturday but wtf I'm going to hell anyway....
Some quick notes: There must be a conspiracy among the strip clubs re: pricing...they are all pretty much the same. $3-5 entrance fee, $8-9 beers, $9.50 for drinks or shots. Couch dances are $10-15 per song depending on the club. It should be noted if you plan to visit and don't speak French that the girls pay a fee to the club to work per shift varying between $20-40 depending on the day of the week and the shift. They also get 25-50% of the money that you spend on drinks for them depending on what you get and how much. They keep ALL the money from their dances. don't be stupid if you go and decline if they ask for a tip (and they will)...they're just doing the stripper thing i.e. trying to pull every fucking buck they can out of you....
Here is a capsule summary of the four clubs I spent some considerable time in with my Lawyer Monger Amigo from Mount Royal:
Chez Paris aka The Ballet: The place has improved considerably since my last visit in 2009. They are now a full contact club which means you can roam as long as you don't touch the pussy. Girls are all in the 8-10 range. This is the best of the best that Montreal has to offer. Couch dances in private cubicals are $15 per song or $100 for 30 minutes. Unfortunately, I did not hit Chez until Tuesday afternoon and met a gorgeous French Brunette 20YO student from the University of Montreal. Took her back after four Makers Marks and she drank a half bottle of white wine....great couch dance for 2 songs and then she gave me her number to call her later that evening w/o asking and told me that she would be available after 9PM if I was interested. I took the number though I never saw her or discussed prices with her because I had something already lined up for the nights activities with an agency girl. Apparently the Student Strike in Quebec is causing some financial woes for the girls and also gives them plenty of free time to pursue other endeavors. This place back in the day rarely produced take out in my 10 plus years of mongering experience in Montreal bc the girls were exceptional and usually could knock down $500-1000 per night just stripping and doing dances for drunk hockey players from out of town. This is one area where Montreal has changed for the better and really regret not visiting here sooner....gorgeous gorgeous girls!
Wandas: This at one time was my go to place in Montreal. It was literally 150 yards from the front door of the Hotel de la Montagne. The difference btwn. Wandas and the other strip clubs in Montreal is there is "no contact" here. In 2009, I had another friend (now residing in Dubai) who knew every girl in the place and the owner and his son. The girls in this place at that time rivaled Chez Paris and were generally 8-10s. Times have changed here....while the girls here remain somewhat on a par with Chez Paris....there is a snotty attitude among a lot of they sit in an empty club...collecting dust and making no money. Lots of foreign girls from Cuba, DR, Haiti, Africa, Russia and Eastern Europeans...very few French girls (my estimate on Sunday night was about 40 % Quebecoise out of 15 girls). Take out was very possible with a "10" a couple of years ago for around $500 with a Montreal Lawyer in tow and liberal spending at the bar....I can honestly say that I didn't see anyone I wanted to go back to the hotel expensive pass for me in the future (BTW: non contact couch dances are $50 for roughly 30 minutes).
SuperSexe on Saint Catherine: We hit this place briefly on Saturday afternoon for about one hour. I had one drink and there were three afternoon dancers....ranging from 5-7 in looks. The ironic part was that the barmaid was incredibly smoking hot....a 19YO blond French Canadian from the University of Montreal with natural D-cup boobs and a 22" waist...if this girl had said yes...she could have pried $500 out of me in 3 seconds. She was extremely friendly....never has stripped and never will according to her. I worked this girl the entire time I was there but she wouldn't budge for the invite back to my room....while there my buddy took the cutest of the bunch an 18YO natural blond 5'8" skinny French girl to the couch room where she hustled him for what he described as two very mediocre dances at $15 per song...and she had the balls to ask him for a tip which he declined to pay of's French and a Lawyer
Downtown Club on St. Catherine: This turned out to be the most interesting club that we visited. I had been here many times over ten years in Montreal....and have to say this place has improved a lot. To give you some perspective, the girls in this place were kind of on a par with Ballpark back in 2009. We hit this place both Friday and Saturday nights. The quality on both nights was good to very good with girls mostly in the 6-9 range. I had three couch dances with a beautiful natural redhead French girl around 27-28 YO with huge 38DD Natural breasts...incredible in the couch dance room including taking my fingers and putting them in her pussy and then putting them in my mouth. Then asking me in broken english " I taste" Unfortunately for me, this was the only girl that I met here that wasn't available for takeout. I spoke in French and English with four other Quebecoise girls ranging in age from 19-22 and 7-9 in looks and everyone was available for takeout (2 actually moonlighted with an escort agency). The "9" was a beautiful Creole 19YO student who gave me her number and told me that she would let me do her in the ass for $600 on Friday night. I never did see her though she sent me text messages for the better part of 3 hours on Monday afternoon....trying to convince me to fuck her in the time luv.
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