If you want to know, if information on this site, regarding Mr. Martin Knight and his minimally invasive (key hole) spinal surgery is biased or not,
try these steps;
Ask Mr. Knight for copies of his peer reviewed papers, and results of the world wide trials of his treatments, and other MISS Surgeons similar (truly) minimally invasive, endoscopic and laser decompression procedures. There will be a big package coming through the letter box, so be prepared for a long week of reading and research!
Ask an NHS or Private Spinal Surgeon, to supply you with the same type of information on their 'so called' gold standard spinal procedures. Whilst you are at it, also demand to see, the safety and efficacey rates of these procedures, and also for the results of 'any trials' on 'all' of their decompression procedures, including Fusions. I hope you will be luckier than me!
After 3 years of reseach, 6 consultations with spine surgeons, 'freedom of information requests' from 4 seperate NHS trusts (UK wide) over a 3 year period (thats 4 requests each year), and a formal complaint procedure, I have still not been offered anything in writing or verbally, that provides any evidence 'at all' to support the premis, that so called 'gold standard' NHS spinal surgery is safe, efficatious or appropriate.
If anyone wants to prove me wrong, please feel free, supply this missing written info: Please!!!
Then again bil4lyn, you could save yourself a lot of stress and heartache, and just read 'The Spinal Foundation' web site. Myself and other 'SF' patients on this forum, can confirm,
it does what it says on the tin!!
Ask your Spine Surgeon to refer you to Mr. Knight!!
See what he/she says, it will not be good!
Then ask him/her for confirmation of his/her concerns!
Dont hold your breath!!!
Best wishes