that is because some of these effects are only possible with a fake audience(they are all paid actors) and i think it is unfair to use actors in a magic tv show
i mean even blaine used camera editing once but if u use editing as well as actors then what's the difference between a magic show and harry potter
i agree criss is really good at stage magic , i really liked the burnt alive one
also the ice trick, drowning trick etc aren't tricks but they are stunts. they are done for real
this is why some magicians dislike blaine, cos he shifted from magic to stunts in his later shows
levitations and similar tricks require far less skill. a 5 year old kid could levitate if you taught him how to
some card moves have taken me months to learn and i still mess them up occasionally, on the other hand it took me 10 min to learn to levitate
believe me card effects require more skill and practice