Tough one! How about all of the above? If I were a clubowner or wannabe the most important aspect in a strip club for me would be to charge HIGH[/b} cover, guy drink, chica drink, lap dance and back room fees. SO I'm not sure how helpful this poll would be. Speaking as a customer, allow me to analyze how I'd approach this question.
The back room fees are out. Unless they fell to the level of an MP like ZB, I doubt any high quality strip joint will provide any great bargain. Places like Arcada's and Molino Rojo provide rooms for about 10K per half hour which is about the same as ZB, NF or IDEM, but the rooms themselves are pretty scuzzy and the chica selection quality at those places are not up to the same levels as those places or more upscale clubs like Kamur, PR et el. Ultimately, if room fees are high, one can always make arrangements to meet the girls off-site anyway.
I'd have to scratch guy drink prices off the list next. Personally, I'm not a heavy drinker anyway and even if I were strip joints would not be the place to go on a binge. If it weren't for the pressure tactics these places use to push drinks, I'd say its an easy matter to save my drinking for before or after I go to the club.
Similarly, knowing these places to charge heavily for chica prices, I go there with the gameplan to try to keep it within bounds. Buying drinks for myself is one thing, but what motivation would I have to go crazy buying drinks for the chica. The only reason I do is for what she does for me while she's sitting there with me at the table sipping her drink and not for the drink itself. Again, if it weren't for the club pressure tactics it would be a simple matter not to spend too much on chica drinks. JUST SAY NO.
The price of lap dances gets a little closer to the mark on why I go to the strip joints in the first place. I don't go to drink, or buy drinks, or go in the back. I can do that with chicas at many other venues for much less money. I go to strip clubs to get a little tease in the form of the floor show view and the tableside fondle and perhaps to do a little shopping for after hours. I would have voted for this if it was for a "table-dance", which is essentially what you get when you buy a chica a drink, but if I can get my feels in at tableside I don't need to pay more for a lapdance in a private area.
Alternatively, if I could pay a higher cover price to avoid all the pressure to follow, it would make it far easier to avoid spending as much on all of the above. SO I picked this option. Unfortunately, I'm not so certain paying a higher price would really wind up doing all that or whether the pressure from the staff and dancers would creep back anyway.
OTOH, while it would be nice to be able to sit in peace and not have to be constantly on my guard fending off the pressure at every turn. I'd like to think I can do that better than many other guys, particularly since I never allow myself to get drunk and lose control. So maybe keeping the cover cheaper and reducing the price of lapdances (or the "tabledances" you get when you buy chica drinks) would work more to my advantage since other free spending heavy drinking gringos who can't resist the pressure will wind up paying the freight for the club-owners profits