Sounds interesting...
As for a one hour HJ, I cannot remember the time when I gradually realized that the WHOLE body is a pleasure zone...
I came also to realize that the woman ( and me for that matter…) also enjoys a whole lot of things long before dining at the Y…. and FS
It is possibly the mutual exchange, the most interesting part of the experience….
Don’t get me wrong, I do like a HJ but their are so many variants and things to do in the near area...and elsewhere on the body,…
If I get an hour HJ and nothing else, It seems that I am missing on a lot of things…
Then again sometimes we are in the mood for such a thing,
Also, the feet are very sensitive, the toes, etc,
The head is also very sensitive, the ears, neck, etc…
The touch with a whole other naked body is also a great pleasure,
The skin texture, its colour, its many shapes,….
How nice the other person is; how GFE…
The kiss is also important; is it done cleverly?, with abandon, sensuality,…
The lick, the gentle bites, the blowing of air gently, gently,….at certain times and places,
Their is also the pleasure of mutual caressing,
Of arousing the woman slowly, everywhere touching her but at the Y only at the end.
Then, the slightness touch will set things further in motion for her.
But in doing so she also will not forget (or should not) about caressing you…
And /or having rising and descending passions, like a symphony, with slow moments, fast ones, and finally a near climax, and then tranquility again, and then something else, and then something else unpredictable but delirious…
What about the smell of the person, the smell of the place, the décor, the surroundings, the music.
Just an hour HJ, seems finite…
Sometimes an hour HJ all what we want, ….and there is good in that,