Relatable (Picture: Instagram/@mujisama)
There’s nothing quite like when a massage hits the spot.
One fluffy kitty was pleasantly surprised when his owner gave him an electrical head massage.
Exotic shorthair Mumaru Samma was delighted as the contraption rubbed his furry head.
In a video shared on his Instagram account, Mumaru was a little skeptical of the device and tried to bite it.
But a few seconds into it, Mumaru quickly realised that it’s for his comfort and gave up the fight.
The adorable kitty was filmed enjoying the massage so much, his eyes rolled towards the back of his head.
You might think an electric massage for a cat is too much pampering but little Mumaru is used to the good life.
The adorable pet is often pictured walking around in dapper shirts, wearing accessories such as hats and jewellery and having his fur brushed.
And people can’t get enough of the content.

Ooh right there (Picture: Instagram/@mujisama)
Mumaru’s Instagram account has amassed more than 30,000 followers who keep up to date with the cat’s latest shenanigans.
And the attention hasn’t gone to his head. Mumaru is quite happy to share the limelight with his ‘older brother’ Mujisama, who is a dog.
Muji, whose account featured the massage video, is equally pampered and the pair are often picture living the good life together.
The sweet pets have been pictured sipping on coconut juice while at beach clubs in Thailand where they live with their owner A Jumbo.
Lucky them.
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