Took one for the team big time. Star ad Olive (905)828 XXXX. Nice phone manner but Oh what a surprise. Loaction is a condo/appt in Mississauga. Soon as I was inside the door was locked. I should have bolted and would have except she was bigger than me. Looks 1/10. Large carribean with thick accent. Offered T and N for 20/40 above 50 base. I recoiled in horror - would have declined for free. Massage non existent. She claimed her hand was tired during finale so I would have to finish myself - I was glad to, it was the best part of the session.
Looks 1/10
Massage 1/10
Attitude 1/10
Finish 3/10 ( I did it myself)
Repeat. NEVER
This is my first negative post, I am doing this as a service to my fellow hobbists. We deserve better than this. Avoid this lady- she should not be in business.
Looks 1/10
Massage 1/10
Attitude 1/10
Finish 3/10 ( I did it myself)
Repeat. NEVER
This is my first negative post, I am doing this as a service to my fellow hobbists. We deserve better than this. Avoid this lady- she should not be in business.