Personally, I think an MP should give Bang a freebie. His posts bring business to the MP's that they would have never gotten, in most instances. And as a CRT member, why would I care :?: I learn about a new MP with hot chicas, great prices and good location even. Hell, I once had 3 chicas in Realx in the span of three hours. Unfortunately, it was my last day.
As for YMMV, yes, it will and it does. Case in point:
Everyone makes a big deal about Jenny...I didn't think she was extraordinary.
So many people love Pamela....I find her kind of gross. And the tipping BS ridiculous.
Karen....OK, she's pretty & nice..but tries to upsell with a dupla. I'd rather find a "diamond in the rough" sitting there who doesn't get the superstar treatment by gringos.
ZB, everyone loves it....I never really had much fun there.
NF...some don't like it. Some abhor their gringo pricing(me too), but I still love the place and that steam room. Although I concede mgt seems to be going downhill there and almost anti-gringo. But I like the chicas and facilities.
SL... I always thought it was kind of boring. I also heard that tehre were so many CRTers hanging out there having a good time. I usually hang solo a lot, maybe too much so on my last trip I decided I would try to make some friends and hang with some goodfellas so I went to SL hung out there quite a bit. Talked to a few guys but I found it very clique-ish.
So again, YMMV. But if a fellow CRTer has a good recommendation, I am happy to try it. learn a new place and can care less if the guy gets a free session or meal, whatever. I have yet to find a good burger in The Gulch, if someone showed me a place where it was great, I would be thankful to know about it and wouldn't be bothered if the owner gave him a freebie. Why would I? Anyway, this board has a good spirit about it where everyone just wants to give his dos centavos and help out. And if you haven't noticed, this is not a very "commercial" board loaded with "self serving blogs." And when it happens, it is obvious. To the contrary, I have seen many posters even go out of their way to recommend something and disclose they are receiving nothing for it.
Bang, this seems directed at you. Keep on keeping on. Who said you were retired? You have a full time job as "low rent MP scout." And you said you weren't rich :?:
: :?: