MEQUON – The Mequon Planning Commission tabled a conditional use grant approval for an animal kennel at 10968 N. Port Washington Road Monday after a public hearing suggested conflicts with a neighboring massage business.
GNK Enterprises, LLC, on behalf of Pet Supplies Plus, is seeking conditional approval to allow its animal kennel to operate a grooming and boarding facility for cats and dogs in The Pavilions. However, neighboring business Massage Envy, 10960 N. Port Washington Road, asked commissioners Monday to vote against the plans due to what employees said would be a disruption to the business.
Massage Envy front desk associate Alana Loman told commissioners during a public hearing that customers complained about construction and made multiple complaints.
“When our customers come in, they expect to have a quiet and relaxing experience during their massage or facial service,” Loman said. “Having the dog grooming on the adjoining wall, I think that having the disturbance from dog barking or grooming will hinder our customers’ experience they wish to receive.”
Massage Envy Manager Lorie Weber echoed concerns after the business’ bathroom wall cracked during construction and noted customers complained of headaches due to diesel fuel.
“Under our original signed lease agreement, the general prohibited uses provision included no keeping of live animals of any kind to keep the building in a clean, wholesome condition free from objectionable noises, loud music, odor or other nuisances,” Weber said.
The owner of pet supply store Feed Bag, Mark Haslam, also spoke in opposition during Monday’s public hearing, noting he was turned away from opening his business in The Pavilions in 2006. Haslam’s business now resides at 10900 N. Port Washington Road.
“I know you can’t make a decision on competition and I respect that,” he said. “Take a look at dogs coming in and out. Is Mequon Pavilion, a concrete highway, the right location for dogs relieving themselves?”
However, a representative for Pet Supplies Plus stated there will be a pet waste station as well as a place for people to relieve their dogs before or after leaving the business. He also expressed his desire for a harmonious relationship with neighbor Massage Envy.
Mequon Mayor John Wirth said the commission does not have the ability to open a store because the zoning allows a permitted use. He also said the damage and construction issues with Massage Envy were unfortunate, but stated regardless of what tenant moved in there, there would be construction.
“The city normally wouldn’t be in a position of monitoring disputes between tenants, that is the landlord’s responsibility,” he said. “Our position is approving or disapproving something that is reasonably designed for that purpose.”
A “tricky” situation
Commissioner Gregg Bach felt the situation was difficult.
“It’s just interesting, you have a business based on being quiet and peaceful and right next door you have barking dogs. That’s tricky.”
However, Wirth said the ordinance would still allow dogs on the property.
“They have that even if we disapprove this, because there is nothing in our ordinance that keeps them from bringing dogs into the premises,” Wirth said. “Unless we pass a whole new ordinance on dogs allowed in retail and right now, we don’t have that.”
Commissioner Becky Schaefer opposed the request.
“I don’t think it is fair to the existing tenants, I don’t think it is reasonable. There isn’t a way to prevent the noise to the existing tenants,” she said.
Commissioner John Stoker, who works in the homebuilding industry, struggled with the decision but believed there was a way to minimize the sound.
“Certainly, you want peace and tranquility during a massage, however, if someone’s car alarm is going off in the front parking lot, what preventable measures did you take to insulate from the parking lot into the building? I guarantee if I am laying in your bed, I am going to hear the car alarm going off in the parking lot,” Stoker said.
Schaefer motioned to deny the request, but the motion was not approved. The commission then voted 8-0 to table the request for a later date.